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Meghasree Gayen

Motion Graphics & Graphics Associate

Meghasree Gayen, a Motion Graphics & Graphics Associate, brings expertise in doodle creation and illustrations to her role. With a rich educational background encompassing an M.A. in Fine Arts and a Diploma in Multimedia & Animation, her skills are anchored in a fusion of artistic disciplines. Notably, she secured the prestigious first class first gold medal in the M.A. merit test, showcasing an exceptional level of proficiency and dedication in her field.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Meghasree finds solace and joy in her hobbies. Painting serves as both a creative outlet and a means of self-expression, reflecting her passion for visual arts. Additionally, her melodic voice finds expression through singing, offering a harmonious balance to her artistic endeavors.

Her journey is characterized by a seamless integration of academic excellence, artistic prowess, and a commitment to creativity. Through her expertise in motion graphics and graphics, coupled with her finesse in doodle making and illustrations, Meghasree Gayen continues to weave her artistic brilliance across various realms, leaving an indelible mark in her field.


She is a fast learner 👧🏻

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