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Shaileyee Mukherjee

Assistant Communication Manager

Shaileyee Mukherjee serves as the Assistant Communication Manager at SwitchON Foundation, leveraging her skills and education to contribute to the organization’s mission. A graduate of Calcutta University, she has a well-rounded academic background, complemented by a Diploma in Multimedia and Animation from Jadavpur University. Shaileyee’s professional journey extends beyond her role, as she has actively engaged in freelance projects as a Motion Graphic Designer and Video Editor. Her multifaceted talents add a creative dimension to her communications work, demonstrating a commitment to both visual and textual elements.

Beyond the professional realm, Shaileyee finds joy and relaxation in her hobbies. Immersing herself in the world of cinema, she appreciates the art of filmmaking, perhaps drawing inspiration for her own projects. Additionally, her love for literature manifests through a penchant for reading books, showcasing a well-rounded personality that blends creativity with intellectual curiosity. Shaileyee Mukherjee’s diverse skill set and interests not only enhance her professional contributions but also reflect a passion for artistic expression and continuous learning in both her career and personal life.


She is a Potterhead 🪄

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